Email Marketing Trends to Grow Your Business
Beyond sales and promotions, email marketing is a great way to demonstrate your value to subscribers. Avoid sending too many emails just for the sake of ‘staying in touch.’ Instead, obsess about your customer’s problems and create email content that includes insider tips, trending news and ways to help your audience get ahead.
July Small Business News You Can Use
This month's articles include need-to-know information for small businesses, including social media trends that work for small businesses, and more.
Why Your Best Employees Leave
Fifty years ago, few people expected to find happiness at work. But as the saying goes, times have changed. Underneath all the reasons workers quit, unhappiness tops the list. But what causes workers to become unhappy at work and what can employers do about it?
The Power of Introverts at Work
For years, many have believed that extroverts have the edge in the workplace. After all, extroverted individuals appear more outgoing, talkative and energetic, while introverts seem more reserved, reflective and less social. However, psychologists have been looking more closely at this preconception and theorizing that the introvert’s quiet way may just be a misunderstood superpower.
What You Need to Know about the SBA’s New Subcontracting Rules
New SBA regulations are here for companies looking to qualify for federal contracts, and it's important to keep up to avoid penalties. The changes prioritize small business contracts and put limits on subcontracting to ineligible third parties.
One Company's Bold Move Increased Worker Satisfaction by 20%
Employers know that employee disengagement spells trouble. In a time when organizations compete to retain employees, the impact of employee engagement matters more than ever.
June Small Biz News You Can Use
Need-to-know information for small businesses, including information about America’s Top Small Business Awards, social media and email marketing trends, and more.
Growing Community Leaders through the LEADership Blue Springs Program
LEADership Blue Springs was designed to help you develop skills and knowledge of our community through monthly workshops that focus on local business, government, quality of life, and volunteer services.
May Small Biz News You Can Use
Need-to-know information for small businesses, including information about creating how-to videos to grow your audience, tips for betting on yourself and your business, key problem-solving techniques for success, and more.