What We Do

  • Learn

    The Chamber’s greatest resource is its people, experienced business professionals.

  • Promote

    In every way possible, we promote doing business with Chamber members.

  • Connect

    The Chamber is a place where you create opportunities.

  • Strengthen the Community

    By supporting businesses and helping them grow, we strengthen the community.

Program of Work

The mission of the Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce is to promote, develop and facilitate a strong economic environment in which the business community can grow and prosper.

Each year our board of directors and staff develop a Program of Work that guides the organization throughout the year.

By the Numbers

The Blue Springs Chamber's Annual Report keeps Chamber members and community stakeholders informed of the Chamber’s achievements over the past year, with information on business advocacy, workforce programs, events, and much more.


Executive Committee

Acts on policy matters between regular board meetings, subject to ratification by the board, and plan for the Board of Director's meeting. This committee includes the officers of the Board of Directors, Divisional Vice Chairs and the President.

Financial Oversight

Reviews the Chamber's finances monthly and report to the Board of Directors. This is a sub-committee of the Board and is by appointment only.

Nominating Committee

Reviews potential candidates for the Board of Directors each year. This is a subcommittee of the Board and is by appointment only.

Strategic Planning

Ensures effective strategic planning for the Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce. This is a sub-committee of the Board and is by appointment only.

Serve on a Committee

Ready to step up and get engaged with the Blue Springs Chamber? Send us a message and a staff member will be in touch with you.