Minimal Monday...Keepin' It Simple
When we talk about the power of social media and small business, we cannot ignore the cons which exist along with the pluses. Of course, I strongly advocate for Facebook groups and pages, newsletters…in short, the many ways we can touch our friends and neighbors with little cost. At the same time, there exist caveats. Most important...keep it close to home and keep it simple!
A recent USA Today article ( August 12, 2021), exemplifies a case in point. While internet marketing can solicit new customers, increase sales and provide support, the bigger platforms benefit big business, not local business. They often own these new customers and charge a high percentage of sales. The bigger platforms also advertise their own products before your own, competing against you. “You almost certainly use platforms…Amazon for goods, Uber or Lyft for rides, Upwork or TaskRabbit for small jobs…Avoid them. If you can be successful without using one of these platforms to reach enough customers, don’t use them. You will be far more profitable without a platform. Many large, well-known brands no longer sell on Amazon.”
Harvard Business Review suggests developing your own channels for reaching customers. Setting up a storefront on Wix or WordPress is easy. Mailchimp is a great email tool. The difference is an important one: the large multisided platforms (Amazon, Alibaba and Apple) will no longer control your relationships with customers. You will be back in the driver’s seat where you belong. You are better equipped to attract and maintain customers than any of the mega-platforms. Vox reminds us that everyone loves small business, so marketing your own small business is a win/win.
Think of your small business as being part of an ecosystem, one embracing Blue Springs and the metro area. The Chamber coordinates ways to utilize opportunities, contacts and services within this ecosystem to build a stronger base for your enterprise. As you take advantage of the services and links within the Chamber, you build an ever-enlarging safety net for your business. The more points of contact, the stronger your web or ecosystem. In working together we build a stronger community.
It’s a win/win, right? Utilize three principles in these uncertain times:
Build stronger customer service into your business model. Emails, Facebook, and social media are still viable ways to do so.
Be fiscally conservative. Do the things that cost less. Bring in help without hiring help.
Work with other Chamber members. For example, if three of you hire someone to put out emails, you can divide the cost three ways. Each can be tweaked for individuality without it costing an arm and a leg.
The world still feels like it’s reeling from the unforeseen and uncontrollable, but you can control some things. You can reach out to your friends and neighbors. You can work locally. You can grow your business. Let’s do it!