In and Out Strategies
Maybe it’s just the natives growing restless, or perhapsit’s the emerging suggestions for restarting the economy…either way, it’s timefor some long-range planning on your strategy for the end of this hiatus fromnormalcy. No, it’s not going to be as soon as we want it, and yes, it’sdependent on when Missouri surges, but I expect restrictions will slowly startlifting sometime in May. Remember what you’ve learned, because thecoronavirus may rear its ugly ahead again in the fall…but that being said, yourend game can transition nicely into revolving doors, being re-implementedwhenever necessary. This is a time for planning and patience.
With everyone dreaming of what they want to do when thequarantine ends, you certainly want your business in that mix. Visibility andcommunication immediately come to mind. There are a few good ways to do that,but the easiest is through collaboration, working with another small businessfor the good of both. Pairing with an essential business offers perks for thenon-essential, because businesses which are slammed right now may need somelevel thoughtful planning. If no essential business fits your needs, then workwith someone who is itching to get back into action. Who knows? Yourcollaboration may open some presently untapped possibilities!

Collaboration suggests a mutually beneficialarrangement…each business broadens its reach and appeals to a wider slice ofthe general population. Think about a business that complements or benefitsyour own. It may draw in added customers. It may offer additional curb appealor visibility. It may advertise your name and brand. Work with someone yourespect, look at values you hold in common. This isn’t a marriage, but you wantit to be a comfortable working arrangement.
Once you form a loose alliance, begin by cross promotingeach other’s services. Offer referrals. Like each other’s Facebook page and adda testimonial. Bundle your services at a reduced rate. Come up with apost-apocalypse contest you can run together. Be creative and have fun. ConstantContent offered several suggestions. Still not convinced? Read SixReasons to collaborate and ponder on the content. I think you’ll find theconcept stimulating.
Our world is becoming more a global economy, not less. Asmall business can get lost in the web of giant corporations directing the flowof commerce but take heart: Consumers are still your neighbors and friends inyour local community. That means your small business is still a vital link inthe cement holding your community together. People forced to order onlinethrough the pandemic are growing weary of not liking what came in the mail.They’re realizing that in an online business an unhappy consumer is no morethan a fly in the ointment, and some online companies offer no customerservice. By personalizing your business, you will woo them back…and theeasiest, cheapest way is by collaborating with another small business.
The Chamber is all about collaboration, and it’s one of thereasons you belong. I’m just suggesting that you take it a step further. Workwith someone who can further your goals, promote your business, and freshenyour appeal. These are the ties that bind our community together. Forge one ofthose ties.