Make the Most from Working At Home
I wonder how many of us used todream about a job where we could work from home, dressed in sweats and takingbreaks whenever we wanted? The truth, as always, demonstrates the chasm betweenexpectation and reality. Working at home requires conquering differentchallenges if one is to use time productively.

First and foremost: Keep old structures intact and add new structure into your day. That’s right. Structure is a byword for productivity. Rise at your pre-pandemic time, dress for work, and begin at working as normally as possible. Whether you’ve set up a laptop in the basement, hunker down in the garage, or have a dedicated home office, working from home means working while at home and you need a place to do that. Your work will suffer if you view this hiatus as an escape from the usual grind. You’ll end up working more and more sporadically, and the bottom line never lies.
Minimize distractions. My sons have offices in their basements, and office hours require the same respect as they did when they worked downtown. If you work closer to the pack threatening your productivity, be creative. Close the door and post your hours. Schedule frequent short breaks to answer questions and interact with the fam. Focus your labors during your children’s schoolwork. Set up a new schedule for television that aids in the process.
Take reasonableprecautions and be transparent. If you worked within an office group, everyoneknows the situation. If you work with clients who themselves are stuck at home,be transparent. Let everyone know where your current office is sequestered.Outline the steps you are taking to keep product safe if it goes out into thevirus-stricken world. Be a light in the darkness others may be experiencing.This is where your leadership skills can be put to use most effectively. Thiswill not last. Better days are coming. Patience and dedication to socialdistancing is working!
Let your business evolve into the new paradigms. Transition from face-to-face meetings into Facebook Live. Broaden your acceptance of digital payments through a Square or Paypal account. Set up and photograph displays for emails and newsletters. Add an extra punch of color and if you have trouble describing products, a short hire of a content writer will be well worth it. The US COC offers a toolkit for small businesses. Work on your small business loan application. Mnuchin promises small business funds will be available by Friday.
PC Magazineoffers twenty tips for newly established home offices. Take time to read thearticle! Give some thought to making your new sanctuary more comfortable. Real Simpledescribed seventeen tips, some of which look surprisingly easy to implement.The bottom line is simple: You will be more productive if you like yourhome office. As a person working from home for more than thirty years, I canpromise you this: if you put some effort into this new venture, it will beremembered fondly when life goes back to normal, and may influence futurebusiness decisions as well.
Your business will survive thepandemic if you survive thepandemic. Losses will be recouped. Life will return to normal, just be sure youand your loved ones are in it. Yes. Respect the limitations and be creative indoing business within suggested guidelines. In the process you’ll find newlevels of creativity you never knew you had, your skills in problem solvingwill grow, and you’ll enjoy a well-earned dose of self-respect. Make the mostfrom working at home.