Networking Like A Pro: Nurturing Your Network

We’ve all been to an event where we’ve met several new people, only to leave and resume our everyday work life without taking any action to nurture those connections. Imagine all the potential lost opportunities!  To help you make the most of your networking efforts, without taking a ton of time, try following this simple timeline to ensure you’re nurturing your network. 

Within 24 hours of meeting: Send new contacts an email reminding them who you are, and mention a conversation or topic you discussed at the event. For example, you might say, “I enjoyed speaking with you about XYZ at the luncheon yesterday and look forward to learning more about your business.” A quick reference to your conversation will help jog the person’s memory. 

Chamber members enjoy After Hours networking at Colonial Gardens

Weekly: Set reminders to check in with someone from your network each week. Watch for interesting and relevant articles and opportunities you can share with them. This is a great way to start a conversation and/or keep in touch. 

Monthly: Invite them to an event or meeting you’re planning to attend. Time is one thing we all have in limited supply, so try integrating your network into things you’re already doing. Invite them to an event you’re attending, or a meal or coffee where they could join. 

Quarterly: Check in with someone you haven’t connected with in a while and ask what challenges they’re facing or what they’re most looking forward to.  As you’re able, offer to make an introduction to someone in your network who has the resource or knowledge they need. This is a great opportunity to help both of your contacts and nurture both relationships simultaneously. 

Yearly: Reach out on birthdays, holidays and milestones. Let them know you’re thinking of them and value your relationship. Set reminders on your calendar to help you remember. You might also consider hosting a small event that you can invite all of your connections to so that they can meet each other and continue to grow. 

Other ways to nurture your network:

  • If you have personally experienced working with someone, write a google review or send them a testimonial they can use to promote their business. 

  • If you travel, reach out to your contacts in that city and see them if time allows.  If you type into the search bar on Facebook “My friends who live in (city)” it will pull up everyone who lives there. It’s a great way to remember quickly and reach out. 

  • Follow them on social media. Be sure to comment on and share their content. 

Like any relationship, professional connections need to be maintained to remain effective. Your network does not need to be large to be beneficial or effective. Instead of striving to meet a hundred business acquaintances, focus on building a few high-quality business relationships. By having a core group of individuals that you trust and that understand you and your business, you’ll gain better quality leads and referrals without wasting time.

Looking to build high quality business relationships? Attend the Mayor’s State of the City luncheon on March 17. Networking begins at 11:30 am. Click here to register.

For more tips on Networking Like a Pro, check out our previous blog posts:

4 Key Networking Strategies

Benefits of Face to Face Networking

How to Work a Room



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