Always a New You
Sometimes we just have to regroup, don’t we? We can learn a lot about our businesses from our down time. Remember that line in While You Were Sleeping: “You know, you work hard, try to provide for the family and then for one minute, everything’s good…” Business is a lot like that. We think we’ve got it down pat and then, wham! That fleeting one minute leaves us bewildered when it’s suddenly time to regroup.
It happens regularly. Entrepreneur suggests seven tips for staying afloat when things get rough. I found this one enlightening: Look beneath the surface. I always sense a change before its evidence bubbles into the foreground. Long term issues are often the genesis of a need for change. Business Insider suggested some basic questions you might ask yourself:
1. Is this business still a passion for me? If not, when did it lose its glow and how can I recapture the magic I once felt?
2. Do I need some formal training for this place in my business? What resources are available? Check with the staff at the Chamber, because they’ve seen it all!
3. Am I managing assets wisely? All to often we hone in on the skills required to get our businesses up and running, forgetting to put a long term strategy into place.
4. Find a way to give to the community. Our charity opens doors and windows never imagined. Sometimes we get way too focused on what we want, forgetting those less fortunate.
Many of us are calibrated to think of new beginnings with the start of the new school year. It’s like we’re ingrained with the energy of fall and tied to a yearly reset button. Let’s focus on these four questions this month, and make sure we’re on a firm footing.
First and foremost, be sure you are injecting passion into your everyday grind. Make your business something that still brings a sparkle to your eye and see the synergy that results in those who surround you. Think of basic things:
· Post your philosophy or purpose for yourself and your business. Make it visible.
· Be an example. When you are the Energizer Bunny, others can’t help but pick up the pace.
· Add and subtract as needed. Sometimes you need to add just the right person or project into the mix, and sometimes you need to remove one. Be bold.
· Forbes suggests that you substitute the word emergence for synergy, and then look for good things to happen. When your efforts bear fruit, good things are always on the horizon.
· Wear a smile. Trite as it may sound, a smile begets good will. Bring one to work with you and wear it all day long.
A business makeover begins with you. Look within and find what needs to be tweaked and begin the process of injecting fresh, crisp life into your bread and butter. Make the sparkle apparent.