Immersive Retailing--Can It Work For You?

This week begins a traditional period of intense shopping, starting with Black Friday, though it seems to be starting earlier and earlier. As folks get ready to inject their holidays with meaning this year, you have a role to play. Your mission, should you accept it, is to bring that window shopper inside the store and make her time with you an event, not an errand.

Think in terms of inviting guests into your space. Prepare a greeting statement. Some of you have storefronts, some displays that greet customers as they walk in, and some of us live or die by our websites…but no matter the form of outreach, we can meet and greet with a dazzling welcome. It needs to be lavish, eye catching, imagination-sparking, and heart-touching.  After all, no one needs to shop with you. There’s a lot of competition out there. Be sure your welcome makes them feel at home.

Then think of terms of an immersive shopping experience. Customers can experience your store with all of their senses. Have a pot of potpourri simmering. Twinkling lights cause their minds to dance. Offer a tray of wrapped goodies. Think of all the textures their hands will touch. Of course, Christmas music sets the scene. When you envelop your customers in a shopping experience that captures all their senses, it’s like a magic carpet ride away from the troubles of this world and into a magical sphere they can enjoy.

Guide your customers through the shopping experience. Arrange your displays naturally. No matter what you sell, there can be a natural progression. Think of a variety store with winter puzzles. A step further are gloves and scarves….see where I’m going here? You have to adapt this concept to your own situation, but the idea is to mentally take a shopper’s hand and step by step guide them through their shopping experience.

Create an aura or environment of pleasure. Think of an immersive theatre. My first experience of one was at the space museum in Huntsville, Alabama. I reclined into a soft seat with a pastoral screen surrounding the seats and arching over the ceiling. The water lapped lazily onto the beach. Gulls played overhead. A sonic boom thundered onto the screen and everyone was riveted to what happened next. I know, you aren’t aiming for suspense and thrills, but you may still create your own immersive experience. What will it look like?

  • It needs to exceed their expectations.

  • It needs to envelop their senses.

  • It needs to be an experience focused on their pleasure rather than your sales.

  • It needs to be an experience they want to share with friends.

You don’t have to get all crazy with this. Yes, high tech gadgetry is on the horizon, but you don’t have to have interactive mirrors or Ikea’s computer screen inviting them to walk into a dream room. You can do this on a low-tech budget in creative ways. If you have mirrors, attach questions or comments, like, Does this fit? Call me for assistance. Or Your smile makes this a perfect picture. It may sound cheesy here, but if it resonates with your customer, it’s just the right degree of swarminess. The Store Front magazine promises this is the wave of the future, and if you’re smart, you’ll jump on the bandwagon.

Have you ever visited the miracle mile in Chicago? That, for me, was like the ultimate immersive experience. Every store exceeded my expectations. Every store enveloped me with so many new sensations that I was almost overwhelmed…in a good way, I promise. I had a fabulous time, even though I only bought socks. I am sharing it now with you. Immersive retailing is a thing, and if you embrace the concept, no matter how small your beginning, you will begin a wonderful journey with your customers.


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