The Staying Power of the American People

What unites us is stronger than what divides us.

As this is being posted we are experiencing all the feels of uncertainty. Between the crunch of politics and the continuing effects of the pandemic, none of us can predict where we are heading and what it will look like…but this we know: America has staying power.

It is time for us to remember that what unites us matters more than what divides us. It’s hard sometimes, but I am ever reminded of the things that unite us: a love of country, a desire to help the less fortunate, a willingness to work and a heart for family. These foundations remain sure and strong. We can focus on the positive and strengthen our community in the process.

What unites us?

  • We have a rich history of community service. Let’s find ways to do more for others during this season of Thanksgiving.

  • We have a colorful fabric of personal and professional friendships. Let’s find ways to reach out to friends and support them.

As Blue Springs Chamber members, we have an opportunity to visibly lead our community and demonstrate these two unifying behaviors. In our service we set an example for others to emulate. In our support for others, we enhance the foundation of our community. It’s easy to give, but it is harder to help our small businesses grow…but imagine the shot in the arm Blue Springs would receive if each of the Chamber members partnered with another small business to help its partner grow. The message is simple. However, we can, in large and small ways, make a difference.

Our country has known division before and risen above it. I believe we can again. It is not by engaging in the dialogue, but by ignoring the rhetoric and conversely, doing something that we see change. The small things we do, when added together, create a picture of health and vitality. It is in service to others that we find our greatness.

The Habitat for Humanity offers us good reasons to believe that giving makes a difference. Small acts of service foster connections and broadens our business presence within the community at large. They suggest that community service is a fertile field for introverts to make friends and create a name for themselves. Great points. 21st Century Leaders suggests that we teach compassion not with words, but with action. Digging deeper, I found several things community service says about those who give of themselves. According to Concorde University, those who serve project confidence, prosperity and compassion.

Does this sound simplistic? Could it be as easy as do good and see good happen? A host of public servants would say, “Yes! Get involved in community service and see your community grow.” We at the Chamber believe it!


An Attitude of Gratitude


Genevieve's Home & Handmade is #BlueSpringsStrong