Just How Many Hats Do You Wear?
Chambermembers are like proverbial jacks of all trades. No matter your standing inyour line of work, your labors brought you to this level of accomplishment,this standard of performance. No one goes from high school graduate to managerin one giant leap…it is more a leap frog type of progress in learning andapplying new skills.

In thesenumbing months of pandemic adjustment this is doubly true. Each of us is doingmore to make ends meet and keep things afloat. Perhaps it is time to look atthe value of outsourcing. It makes sense for several reasons.
Labor is plentiful. With jobs shifting and demands changing, the labor pool is well stocked. This may be the perfect time to outsource prior in-house tasks. Analysts offer ten good reasons, my top favorites included lower cost and increased efficiency. Those seem like no-brainers. Perhaps the very best reason is greater flexibility to meet changing conditions.
If youstand at the helm, you need a broader vision. You need to focus on the horizon.You need to set your bearings on success…the mundane is weighing you down.Shrugging a few chores from your to-do list is an act of foresight, not a signof laziness. Look at this from the proper angle.
Newperspectives are valuable. That mid-level manager who hasn’t gone back to workbrings fresh eyes and real appreciation to your company. That writer who haswritten for so many others may bring a new voice to pique your client’sinterest. That marketer who helped a business just down the street brings awealth of experience to the table. In short, you have the opportunity to keepyour base and broaden your appeal. Growing your business is a good thing!
Entrepreneur shared examples of how successful outsourcing can be. The disadvantage of finding and bringing someone up to speed is ameliorated over time with increased efficiency and streamlined process. Looking locally offers you the chance to meet and know your prospect. It’s easy to hire a professional to jazz up a resume, and references can be cherry-picked for the response desired, increasing the risk of hiring a virtual assistant.
When youlook for local help, you remove time zone barriers, add accountability anddevelop stronger working relationships. Time invested in developing a unifieddirection and voice is minimized. Your investment pays off much more quickly.

Forgetworld culture and focus on company culture. A recent Forbesarticle offered valuable advice on integrating new help with current companypolicy. Offer employees a chance to grow into new responsibilities. Offerincentives for diversifying their current job titles. Discovering latenttalents in your current labor pool is a huge plus…your people have been doingwhat you asked, but they are capable of so much more.
Invitingthe perfect guest into your company. Look to the local Chamber for helphere. They know your community better than you, and they want to ensure yoursuccess. They know people who know people. Word of mouth references are thebest.
Look inunusual places. Ask friends who own other types of businesses. Who has offeredthem a lending hand in the past? Look at your LinkedIn community. Look atvolunteers or retirees. Talent exists everywhere.
Outsourcingmay be a good option for you…think on it!