Not Your Traditional Marketing
Marketing is a business strategy none of us can ignore. Wetend to think of traditional forms of marketing, like advertising and sales,but don’t forget the influence available at your finger tips. LinkedIn is agreat platform for small businesses, with a broadening network for influencingother business leaders. Never overlook free marketing!

Complete and update your profile. This is thefoundation of your presence, and it’s like combing your hair in the morning.You need to look professional. Learn how to make it razorsharp. From this comes your elevator pitch for people you meet. Focus onmeaty words that convey your skill sets.
Share your expertise. Remember that LinkedIn attractsbusinesses and professionals. Tailor your content to foster respect for yourexperience.
Build your tribe. Find professionals like yourself.Take the time to post content regularly. Create a tribe who has an interest inyou and your business.
Share valuable content. Focus on information othersin your tribe will find useful. Inspire, lead, teach. Follow a checklistto be develop sustainable content, and learn what should be included to broadenyour appeal.
Publish articles. This may be a visual platform, butunlike Facebook, it is an audience who values words as much as memes. Employthe rule of 5, but never neglect your message. Be sure you both interest andedify your audience. Follow these tipsto get recognized as a leader in your field. Long, meaty articles are the orderof the day, as opposed to quick reads for people scanning Facebook.
Make connections. You can’t just show up. You mustconnect with your audience. Engage their interest and encourage their response.This is where you both connect with businesses like your own, and attract theinterest of professionals needing what you provide. Whether you offer servicesor products, the follower you attract on Linkedin will tend to be a dedicatedfollower, as opposed to the fickle flight of fancy on Facebook, where you mayget liked with no action taken to follow through and engage yourbusiness.
Join LinkedIn groups. This is your professionalorganization, so to speak. It will help you refine your rough edges andlegitimize your work.
As we look at an upcoming holiday, think about how you canleverage that to grow your business. Of course, patriotic graphics and memesattract interest. Focus on things that will help people enjoy a very different4th of July, on picnics and barbecues and outdoor entertaining.Unify and encourage our appreciation of national freedoms.
Despite the narrative being screamed at you, be constant inyour affirmation of what you know to be true and right. As John Steinbeckobserved, this is our season of discontent…let’s weather it and move on. Nowmore than ever, we need cool heads and grounded leaders who can inspireconfidence. Your presence and your steadiness will be noticed. I promise.