A Strategy for Success
As we reopen the community, we each need a strategy for success. We can use our past forms of communication, but don’t stop there. Add to them. We can use our past storefronts, but add to them. Shoppers are coming out of hibernation and looking for a bright new world…not too new, they still love you and want to see you…but shiny new businesses may distract them from their old favorites. Develop a strategy for bringing them back, luring new customers, and maintaining steady growth. Let’s talk about the many pieces of building a strategy.

Standard lines of communication need to be opened. How haveyou communicated with shoppers in the past? Had you built a strong base andfound yourself tapering off the advertising budget? You may need to re-invest.Do you have an active email list? Weekly correspondence is a must. Do you havea strong social media presence? Yes, you need one. These form your personalline of communication with customers.
Your personal line of communication. Whether youemail, send fliers or provide blogs and social postings, you need to reach yourpeeps. Some of your shoppers will be slow to re-emerge, and you need tocommunicate reassurance of safety protocols so they feel free to shop with you.Others are bolting out of their homes with a hole in their pockets. You wanttheir business, of course…but neither of these responses mark the steady growthyou’re needing. Market fluctuations make and break your numbers at the end ofthe month, but they aren’t the basis of business survival.
- Plot out where you’re going over the summer.What products will you be leading? What sales are in the future as the summerprogresses? Go back to basics and devise a marketing strategy with hints andways to make it big.
- Regular communication will lure out hesitantshoppers. They need to know they’re safe and that you recognize the dangers ofa virus still taking people’s lives hostage. That means not just detailing whatyou are doing, but going a step further, explaining the risks in enough detailthat they trust your judgment. You need their trust.
- An active social media presence with vigorouscross posting will broaden your message. Reach beyond the limits of your pastclientele, and lure in new regulars. If you don’t have someone in your businesswho is free to do this, you can hire it done on a contractual basis, and it’stime to make a splash.
- Friendly communication. Pick up your phone andcall your best customers. See how they’re doing. Let them know what’s going onat the store and arrange times for them to shop before hours if they aresheltering a vulnerable family member. Going that extra mile is how you madeyour business great in the first place. It’s time to focus on personalizedservice once again.
Forge allies. In this, take advantage of Chamberpromotions and activities. The Chamber is opening up a range of activities andinitiatives to promote your business, and they are designed to help you. Getinformed and take part. Your reopening will be smoother with the support of ateam who has your back.
Begin something new. From storefronts to webpages,add splashes of something new. Nothing suggests an awareness of the situationor the willingness to go beyond the norm than a new look, a new message, a newform of communication. These do not have to be expensive investments. Look forways to trade and economize…but your old customer is seeing this new world withnew eyes, and you want to be part of that discovery.
June is a month of new beginnings for all of us. Make yournew beginning a bold, colorful move into a brave new world. Jumping in withboth feet now will make a huge difference in how your July and August playout…let’s make this a stellar summer!