Meet the Board

If you’ve been to Chamber events, you’ve seen her, but how well do you know her? Jacqueline Reed is our current Chairman of the Board, and she offers interesting perspectives on the value of your membership.
As an employee of the Mid-ContinentPublic Library, she joined the Chamber to raise the visibility of the libraryand its resources. She’s been able to do that, but the benefits she incurredcarried her far beyond that initial purpose.
She jumped at the opportunity ofparticipating in the Leadership Blue Springs class, became involved in the BuyBlue Springs Committee and the Power Hour education sessions. You see, gettinginvolved sparks friendships and opens lines of communication. It was because ofthat consistent involvement she got the tap on the shoulder to take over asBoard Chairman.
Being Lady Chairman sounded like alot of responsibility. I asked her what the job involved, and it sounded moreenjoyable than dreary obligation: “I’ve worked closely with Lara planning theareas of focus for our Chamber this year. I’ve gotten a chance to help set thedirection for the retreat and annual banquet, and I also get the opportunity tospeak to our membership and introduce speakers during our monthly luncheons.”Hmm. Being an introvert, that last little gig sounded a bit scary, but on thewhole, it’s a role anyone in the Chamber could fill and enjoy. My takeaway? Getinvolved and see where your membership will take you.
I asked for her perspective on the value of belonging to the Chamber when you aren’t a company owner or corporation representative. How does membership in the Chamber benefit the average Joe? “The best part about being a part of the Chamber is how easy it has been to build relationships with people both personally and professionally. I’ve made connections and developed partnerships that I would have had a more difficult time cultivating if it wasn’t for being a Chamber member. I’ve gotten to participate in fun activities like the Golf Tournament and Fall Fun Fest. I think being part of the Chamber opens you up to a network of approachable, motivated and committed people who are eager to help each other out.”
Her comment caught me nodding tomyself. That has been my experience as well. You may know a member of thecommunity who would profit from Chamber membership, perhaps a friend orneighbor. Inviting a friend to attend is a great way to get all the BlueSprings residents rowing in the same direction. We welcome new businesses. Wecater to local businesses. We share joint ventures improving our community. Youknow that person you envisioned at the start of this paragraph? Make a friendlycall and invite him/her to the next luncheon.
Chamber members are dedicated to helping our community thrive, and in the process, they learn, grow, and evolve into better community leaders. There are many paths in exploring and getting involved with the Chamber, and everyone is invited. Contact someone in the Chamber and learn how membership will benefit you. #getinvolved